
How have you been? I have missed my blog and I’m happy to be back on here. 🙂  Did anyone else go to Destin, Fiesta Texas, or Seaworld this Summer? If so you might’ve seen me.  Well, this Summer was filled with twirling, vacation, and fun!  I went to Rockin C Ranch, Band Camp, and Church Camp! Yay for Camp Piney Woods. Haha.  Any-who-how guess I better get back to class.


Bratfest at Tiffanys- Book Project

The Crazy Coincidence! Personal Narrative!

The stars in the night sky looked like splatter paint as we pulled into the parking lot.  Taylor and I hopped out of the car into the crisp, piercing cold air that felt like 1,000 knives stabbing my arms.  I should have brought my  jacket!  My thoughts drifted back to the prospect of food, I felt like I had an endless hunger!  We ran into Braums and a new adventure began!
    We carefully scanned over the lit up menu.  Everything reminded me of lucky charms; it seemed magically delicious!  I finally came to the decision to get a appetizing cheeseburger!  My mom ordered our food and we sat down in the red booth.  We took goofy pictures and then we looked in the booth beside us and saw 2 girls with blonde hair curled to perfection.  They looked like they were in college and then they started laughing at us!  Like they haven’t ever taken weird pictures!  Finally they spoke to each other, evident they wanted us to hear them, the one on the right side of the booth practically yelled, “Let’s get out of here and away from those freaks!”  My cheeks were as red as a tomato and I thought I was going to explode with anger!  I  handled myself and then we headed off to the bathroom.  We got in the accessible stall with a private mirror and sink, and then I began to fix my hair, it looked like a frazzled mess!  We heard heels clicking on the red, green, black, and white checkered tile as the girl entered the stall on the right side of us.  She shut the door and then we heard the click sound of the lock.
    I softly whispered to Taylor, “It would be hilarious if somebody smacked that toilet paper over the stall”, I murmured as I gestured towards the toilet paper sitting in between our stall and hers on the tile wall.  Without a second thought she smacked it over!  I didn’t tell her to do that!  Then it got even worse.  A deep voice angrily yelled “HEY!”.  Taylor had no idea she was in there!  I cannot believe she “BAM!”!  The toilet paper smacked the wall right in between our heads interrupting my thoughts!  I fought the urge to scream and then I realized where that toilet paper came from, she had thrown it back over!  We ran out of the restroom and made sure our shoes could not be seen!  We hurriedly gobbled down our food and then ran out to the car.
    We drove off and I quietly reminisced the previous events.  Although it was totally hilarious, I don’t think either of us will make that mistake again, because sometimes taking risks sometimes isn’t worth it.

My Poem


Get Out Of That Chair!
Get up,
Get out,
Come on,
Scream and shout!
Going through life,
We’re typical,
Come on,
Let’s do this,
Make change,
While it’s not too,
Create laughter,
Most importantly,

“Over Here” I Hear!

My favorite sense is my sense of hearing.  With it I’m able to hear fire alarms.  With it I’m able to listen to awesome music.  Sometimes I’m able to hear complements and praise.  Those are just a few of the reasons why my  favorite sense just has to be my absolute favorite sense is my sense of hearing.

Another reason hearing is my favorite sense is hearing is that without sight I would still be able to hear people teach me to talk but without hearing people would have to write down everything or use sign language to talk to me.  Another reason is without having touch I would burn myself but with hearing I would have someone tell me something’s hot but without hearing I would get very badly burned.  Without being able to smell people could describe the smell so vividly than without being able to hear.  Without hearing I wouldn’t be able to have people describe what things taste like if I lost all my other senses.  I hope you have learned that hearing and all other senses are wonderful and shouldn’t be taken for granted.

My Hero Essay!(:


Tim Tebow: a Real  Life Hero

He darts across the fresh cut green grass.  He humbly receives the Heisman Award.  Who is he?  Tim Tebow.  He is my hero because he is a leader, shows his faith, and gives back.

I know everyone thinks oh he was lucky and yeh yeh yeh.  Well what he calls it is blessed.  He leaped towards his dreams of sports, especially football, and by his faith he was able to do so.  He has always tried to be his best and not just on the football field.  Also his strong love of others has gotten him very far.


He is also a leader.  Even though the NFL did not want words on eye marks because it was claimed a “distraction” he still wore them with his favorite verse, John 3:16 written on them.  Also every touchdown he gives credit to God, not himself.  He realizes that without God, he wouldn’t be able to play football as well as he can now, such as anyone wouldn’t be able to do anything without God.  Also he started “tebowing” which is one of the other ways he gives credit to God.

He is also very passionate about others because he created the W15h foundation to fulfill children with life threatening illnesses lives.  Also since he was a young boy he would always go on mission trips with his family to the Philippines, and helped the children and families there that had virtually nothing such as food, water, and they had rags for clothing.

He’s a leader.  He gives back.  He’s Tim Tebow.



A Time of Anticipation

I step onto a grassy field,
wet with morning dew.
Our rivalries in red are warming up.
A ball skips into the goal,

We greet coach.
“We can do this”.
I taste blue gatorade.
I’m restless.
We cascade onto the field.

A ball goes in the net,
by our player.
This time it counts.
Their goalie frowns.
We jump up and down.

The game is over.
Done and won.
We won.

I walk,
see several toddlers in coral uniforms,
kicking the ball.
That’s what it’s all about.

Abby H.

A Place to Be Happy

I cry,
an endless cry.
A river stream, endless stream,
like the Rio Grande.

Leaves fall,
I inhale chilly air.
My tears frost,
like rivers freezing.
Cold, icy, tears pour down,
my cold, red, face.

I feel like running.
Flying away,
fly into thick trees and brush.

Nature is marvelous,
Where I belong.

Why were we placed in a cruel world,
not here?
Why not a magical place,
where leaves crunch?

Why not a mysterious place?
having adventures around every corner?
Why not a place without sadness,
a place to be happy.

Abby H.