1. My article is about the San Bernardino shootings.
2. I got this article from Fox news.
3. The title of my article is: The lives cut short: Victims of the San Bernardino massacre
4. On Thursday the names of those who died Wednesday night were released. The 14 victims were enjoying a county health department banquet when a heavily armed man and woman burst into the room. The gunman knew at some of those he mowed down since he worked for the same department.
5. This is a very saddening event. I can’t imagine what their families are going through. It’s awful that innocent people died. All they were doing was having a normal Christmas party.
6. This will definitely impact the world. There is already a lot of gun control debate, and this will add too it. With all the shootings lately, there will be change. Most likely, we will have stricter gun control. If people would just be civil, guns wouldn’t be a problem.