1. My article is about people’s eating patterns.
2. The title of my article is: 3 square meals? People don’t eat like that, app reveals
3. I got this article from Fox News.
4. Those random snacks that people consume throughout the day may affect them more than they think. The average time between the first bite of the day and the last bite of the day was 14 hours and 45 minutes. Yesterday it was discovered that lab animals that had access to food for only 8 to 12 hours each day were leaner and had healthier heart function, liver function and cholesterol levels than animals that ate whenever they wanted.
5. This event interests me. I knew snacking so much probably wasn’t health, but I was surprised. I normally do not eat until lunchtime and then snack from after school until nighttime. Now I realize that my eating patterns are unhealthy. Maybe I will change it up now.
6. This event effects the world in a couple of ways. Many people skip a meal or two a day. In addition, many people eat many snacks throughout the day. This could be a factor in causing people to become overweight. Regulating meal times could possibly help people with health conditions.
My Article: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2015/09/24/3-square-meals-people-dont-eat-like-that-app-reveals/