1. The topic of my article is energy drinks affect on teens.
2. The title of my article is: Energy drinks tied to brain damage in teens.
3. I got this article from Fox News.
4. Energy drinks are many teenagers method of staying up to cram in one last hour of studying. Research is now showing that the effects of energy drinks are more harmful than people think. Studies show that energy drinks are tied to TBI’s. A TBI is a traumatic brain injury. Energy drinks make the risk of getting a TBI 5 times greater and can make it more difficult to recover from a TBI.
5. This news makes me worried. I personally don’t normally drink energy drinks but some of my friends drink them frequently. I have heard energy drinks are bad for children and teens but I didn’t realize how much of an impact they can have. I am going to be careful about my energy drink consumption now. Hopefully, more people will realize the negative affect energy drinks can have.
6. This event impacts the world because energy drinks could potentially be deadly. Many teens in developed countries drink energy drinks and do not realize the possible consequences. Teens could die because of energy drinks and never know what caused it. This is especially dangerous for teens who play sports, because of the increase in chances of getting a head injury. Energy drinks aren’t something to be banned, but the risks they have should be better advertised so people are more aware.
Article: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2015/09/17/energy-drinks-tied-to-brain-injuries-in-teens/
Great article!