My Hero Essay!(:


Tim Tebow: a Real  Life Hero

He darts across the fresh cut green grass.  He humbly receives the Heisman Award.  Who is he?  Tim Tebow.  He is my hero because he is a leader, shows his faith, and gives back.

I know everyone thinks oh he was lucky and yeh yeh yeh.  Well what he calls it is blessed.  He leaped towards his dreams of sports, especially football, and by his faith he was able to do so.  He has always tried to be his best and not just on the football field.  Also his strong love of others has gotten him very far.


He is also a leader.  Even though the NFL did not want words on eye marks because it was claimed a “distraction” he still wore them with his favorite verse, John 3:16 written on them.  Also every touchdown he gives credit to God, not himself.  He realizes that without God, he wouldn’t be able to play football as well as he can now, such as anyone wouldn’t be able to do anything without God.  Also he started “tebowing” which is one of the other ways he gives credit to God.

He is also very passionate about others because he created the W15h foundation to fulfill children with life threatening illnesses lives.  Also since he was a young boy he would always go on mission trips with his family to the Philippines, and helped the children and families there that had virtually nothing such as food, water, and they had rags for clothing.

He’s a leader.  He gives back.  He’s Tim Tebow.



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